The KNBSB season runs April through June (with a summer pause) and with the Fall season running from end of August through the end of October.
The ABF sponsors teams which compete in the Dutch baseball league (KNBSB). League play requires a level of commitment by the player and the parents to the team for practice and play. Practice is an integral part of the team experience. Play in the higher levels of the Dutch league requires higher fees to cover league registration, officiating fees and training expenses.
Uniforms: ABF baseball uniforms can be ordered directly and on-line from our supplier, SSK--who ship directly to the customer without ABF's involvement. Use the link below to purchase full uniforms (hat, jersey, belt, pants, socks) or single items and other accessories.
Ages 9 and under with beginner or intermediate level skills. A soft safety ball is used for this league and is coach (underhand) pitch. Games will begin late August and league play will continue through the end of October.
Ages 12 and under with intermediate to advanced level of skill. This league is kid pitch. Games will begin in late August and continue through early October.